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DUI Defense

There are four common types of adult misdemeanor DUIs in Arizona. They consist of Impaired to the Slightest Degree, .08 or More, Extreme DUI and Super Extreme DUI.

What sets these offenses apart from one another is simply the level of Blood Alcohol Content (“BAC”) the Defendant is alleged to have at time of being in operation or in actual physical control of a vehicle. While all the above-listed offenses are Class 1 misdemeanors in Arizona, the higher the allegation of a Defendant’s BAC goes, so increases the minimum consequences of the offense.

If you’re facing a DUI charge in Arizona, it’s essential to act swiftly to safeguard your rights and secure your future. Our experienced DUI defense attorneys are here to fight for you. With an in-depth understanding of Arizona’s DUI laws and extensive courtroom experience, we have the knowledge needed to challenge the evidence against you and pursue the best possible outcome. Don’t let a DUI conviction tarnish your record and impact your life. Call us now at (888) 912-5617 to get the dedicated and aggressive defense you deserve. We’ll guide you through the complex legal process, protect your rights, and work tirelessly to minimize the consequences of your DUI charge. Your future is worth fighting for, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

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