Unlawful Imprisonment

Unlawful Imprisonment

Domestic Violence Unlawful Imprisonment (13-1303) is a criminal offense in Arizona that involves unlawfully confining, restraining, or detaining a person with whom the offender has a domestic relationship, against their will.

Under Arizona law, a domestic relationship includes spouses, former spouses, persons who are currently or were previously residing together in a romantic or sexual relationship, persons who share a child, and other closely related individuals.

To be charged with Domestic Violence Unlawful Imprisonment, the prosecution must prove that the offender acted intentionally or knowingly, and that the victim was restrained or detained in a way that prevented them from leaving or moving about freely. This can include physical restraint, as well as verbal threats or intimidation.

The offense can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the confinement and the offender’s prior criminal history. A first offense misdemeanor conviction can result in a sentence of up to 6 months in jail, and a fine of up to $2,500. A felony conviction can result in a prison sentence of up to 2.5 years, and a fine of up to $150,000.

In addition to criminal charges, a person who is found guilty of Domestic Violence Unlawful Imprisonment may also be subject to a restraining order, mandatory counseling, and other court-mandated requirements.

It is important to note that a victim does not need to be physically restrained or confined in order for an offender to be charged with Domestic Violence Unlawful Imprisonment. For example, if an offender uses threats or intimidation to prevent a victim from leaving a room or a vehicle, that may be sufficient to support a charge of Unlawful Imprisonment.

Are you a victim of domestic violence and facing charges of unlawful imprisonment under Arizona’s 13-1303 statute? Don’t let these serious allegations dictate your future. Take immediate action to protect your rights and secure the skilled legal representation you need. Our experienced Arizona-based attorney understands the complexities of domestic violence cases and will fight vigorously to build a strong defense on your behalf. With a deep understanding of the local laws and court procedures, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for you. Call (888) 912-5617 now to schedule a confidential consultation and regain control of your life. Your freedom is worth the fight.