3-240. Certain violations of seed statutes (see title 3, chapter 2, article 2)
3-370. Certain serious violations of pesticide control statutes (see title 3, chapter 2, article 6)
3-932. Theft of protected native plants (certain violations)
3-2159. Certain poultry slaughter violations (see sections 3-2156, 3-2157, 3-2158 and
3-3113. Employer violation of certain agricultural standards or rules
5-112. Unauthorized legalized wagering (simulcasting of races)
5-115. Removing identifying marks or severely mistreating a racing greyhound
5-349. Watercraft collision; failure to stop and remain at the scene of the collision (accident
caused injury other than serious physical injury or death)
5-391. Removal of factory watercraft identification numbers
5-396. Aggravated operating or actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while
under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs while a person under 15 years of
age is aboard
5-410. Filing a false bingo report
6-133. General banking violations for which another classification is not prescribed (see
title 6)
6-1241. Refusing to make money transmitter records available to attorney general, county
attorney or superintendent
8-128. Violations of adoption statutes (see title 8, chapter 1, article 1)
8-173. Submitting a false claim for services pertaining to adoption assistance agreements
10-202. Making an untrue statement regarding a certificate of disclosure (corporations)
10-3202. Making an untrue statement regarding a certificate of disclosure (nonprofit
11-505. Unlawful disclosure of confidential taxpayer info
11-1023. Unauthorized release of animals
12-994. Violating a restraining order, injunction or other court order (regarding commercial
property nuisance)
12-1000. Violating an order or notice of removal regarding a clandestine drug laboratory
12-1563. Impeding recovery by action or judgment of personal property
12-2703. Unauthorized practice of immigration and naturalization law
13-1001. Attempt of a class 5 felony
13-1002. Solicitation of a class 4 felony
13-1004. Facilitation of a class 2 or 3 felony
13-1201. Endangerment (involving substantial risk of imminent death)
13-1202. Threatening or intimidating (certain violations)
13-1204. Aggravated assault (certain violations)
13-1205. Unlawfully administering intoxicating liquors, narcotic drug or dangerous drug
13-1212. Prisoner assault with bodily fluids
13-1302. Custodial interference (by parent or parentâs agent)
13-1303. Unlawful imprisonment
13-1402. Indecent exposure (to a person under 15 years of age)
13-1405. Sexual conduct with a minor (15 years of age or older)
13-1411. Bestiality
13-1418. Sexual misconduct by behavioral health professionals
13-1504. Criminal trespass in the first degree (certain violations)
13-1505. Possession of burglary tools
13-1602. Criminal damage (damage of more than $250 but less than $2,000)
13-1603. Criminal littering or polluting (certain violations)
13-1604. Aggravated criminal damage
13-1706. Burning of wildlands (knowing or intentional violation during time of extreme fire
13-1802. Theft (property or services valued at $1,000 or more but less than $2,000, or theft of
a firearm or dog taken for the purpose of dog fighting)
13-1803. Unlawful use of means of transportation (passenger offense)
13-1805. Shoplifting (property valued $1,000 or more but less than $2,000 or a firearm valued
less than $1,000)
13-1807. Issuing a bad check ( amount of $5,000 or more)
13-1813. Unlawful failure to return a motor vehicle subject to a security interest
13-1816. Unlawful use, possession or removal of theft detection shielding device
13-1817. Unlawful use, possession or alteration of a retail sales receipt or UPC label
13-2003. Criminal possession of a forgery device with intent to commit fraud
13-2004. Criminal simulation
13-2006. Criminal impersonation
13-2103. Receipt of anything of value obtained by fraudulent use of a credit card (property
valued at $250 or more but less than $1,000)
13-2105. Fraudulent use of a credit card (items obtained in any 6-month period valued at $250
or more but less than $1,000)
13-2106. Possession of machinery, plate or other contrivance or incomplete credit card (with
intent to defraud)
13-2108. Fraud by person authorized to provide goods or services (valued at more than $100
in a 6-month period)
13-2109. Credit card transaction record theft (valued at least $500 but less than $1,000)
13-2110. Unlawful possession or use of scanning device or reencoder
13-2204. Defrauding secured creditors
13-2205. Defrauding judgment creditors
13-2206. Fraud in insolvency
13-2306. Possession of altered property
13-2316. Computer tampering (certain violations)
13-2316.01. Unlawful possession of access device (fewer than five)
13-2316.02. Unauthorized release of proprietary or confidential computer security
information (certain violations)
13-2317. Money laundering (third degree)
13-2405. Compounding (if crime compounded is a felony)
13-2407. Tampering with a public record
13-2408. Securing the proceeds of an offense (if the person assisted committed a felony)
13-2411. Impersonating a peace officer
13-2502. Escape in the third degree
13-2508. Resisting arrest
13-2603. Trading in public office
13-2605. Commercial bribery (value of benefit is $100 or more but less than $1,000)
13-2703. False swearing
13-2804. Tampering with a witness
13-2807. Jury tampering
13-2808. Misconduct by a juror
13-2809. Tampering with physical evidence
13-2904. Disorderly conduct (recklessly using a dangerous weapon)
13-2907. False reporting (second or subsequent violation)
13-2910. Cruelty to animals (certain violations)
13-2910.02. Presence at a dog fight
13-2911. Interference with or disruption of an educational institution (certain violations)
13-2921.01. Aggravated harassment (certain violations)
13-2922. Interference with emergency communications on public safety land mobile radio
13-3005. Installation or use of pen register or trap and trace device
13-3006. Divulging communication service information
13-3008. Possession of interception devices
13-3019. Surreptitious photographing, videotaping, filming, digitally recording or viewing
(certain violations)
13-3102. Misconduct involving weapons (certain violations)
13-3107. Unlawful discharge of a firearm within a municipality
13-3109. Unlawful sale or gift of firearm to minor
13-3111. Unlawful carrying or possessing firearm by a minor
13-3201. Enticement of persons for purpose of prostitution
13-3202. Procurement by false pretenses of person for purpose of prostitution
13-3402. Possession and sale of peyote
13-3404. Sale of precursor or regulated chemicals (certain violations)
13-3404.01. Possession or sale of precursor chemicals, regulated chemicals, substances or
equipment (certain violations)
13-3405. Possession, use, production, sale or transportation of marijuana (certain violations)
13-3406. Certain prescription-only drug violations
13-3415. Possession, manufacture, delivery or advertisement of drug paraphernalia
13-3417. Using any wire or electronic communication in committing a class 6 felony
13-3421. Using building for sale or manufacture of dangerous or narcotic drugs
13-3453. Manufacture or distribution of imitation controlled substance
13-3454. Manufacture or distribution of imitation prescription-only drug
13-3455. Manufacture or distribution of imitation over-the-counter drug
13-3506.01. Failure to report furnishing of harmful items to minors by internet
13-3507. Public display of explicit sexual materials
13-3509. Failure to report solicitation to record, film, photograph or develop any depiction of
sexual activity
13-3513. Sale or distribution of material harmful to minors through vending machines
13-3558. Admitting minors to public displays of sexual conduct
13-3603.01. Performing a partial-birth abortion
13-3620. Duty to report (failure to report reportable offenses)
13-3623. Child or vulnerable adult abuse (certain violations); emotional abuse of an adult
13-3701. Unlawful use of food stamps (certain violations)
13-3704. Adding poison or other harmful substance to food, drink or medicine
13-3705. Unlawful copying or sale of sounds or images from recording devices (certain
13-3709. Manufacturing, distributing or selling unauthorized decoding devices (for cable
television services)
13-3713. Consideration for referral of a patient, client or customer; fraud; presenting false
information to maintain health coverage (certain violations)
13-3719. Manufacturing, distributing or selling unauthorized decoding devices (for wireless
telecommunications services)
13-3721. Tattoo violations
13-3724. Obtaining utility service fraudulently
13-3824. Failure of sex offender to comply with registration requirements to obtain a license
13-5002. Criminal trespass on a military reservation or facility
16-168. Unauthorized use or disclosure of precinct register or list
16-182. False registration as an elector
16-183. Election registration violations
16-551. Unlawfully releasing vote tally information
16-907. Making, accepting or permitting use of name for a prohibited campaign contribution
16-919. Effecting a prohibited campaign contribution by a corporation, limited liability
company or labor organization
16-1010. Refusal by election officer to perform duty or violation of election law by election
17-309. Wildlife violations
17-339. Failure of dealer of hunting licenses to submit required reports, returns and fees
20-233. Untrue statement by an insurer regarding its annual report
20-466.01. Making or presenting a false, incomplete or misleading insurance application or
claim with intent to defraud (see section 20-463)
20-481.26. False statement, report or filing by an insurance holding company system officer or
employee with intent to deceive the director
20-892. Making a false or fraudulent fraternal benefit society claim
23-418. Occupational safety and health violation by an employer that causes death to an
23-536. Acting as an employment agent without a license
23-785. False statement, misrepresentation or nondisclosure of material fact to obtain
unemployment benefits
23-932. Workers’ compensation violations of title 23, chapter 6 for which no other penalty is
23-967. Deduction by employer of workers’ compensation premium from employee wage or
23-984. Misrepresentation by employer of payroll, job description, job function or loss
history affecting workers’ compensation premium payment
23-1025. Unlawful collection by employer of workers’ compensation premium from an
23-1028. False statements or representations to obtain workers’ compensation
25-511. Failure of parent to provide for child
27-318. Removal of or tampering with covering or warning sign on abandoned and inactive
28-708. Racing on highways (second conviction within 24 months)
28-1383. Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence (certain
28-3476. Falsification of license (if serious physical injury results from violation)
28-5240. Commercial motor carrier violations (third or subsequent violations; see title 28,
chapter 14)
28-5938. Knowing disclosure of confidential information (see sections 28-5935, 28-5936 and
28-8386. Acting as an aircraft dealer without a license; failing to give notification of sale or
purchase of aircraft (see section 28-8383)
32-927. Practicing without a license (chiropractic)
32-1261. Practicing without a license or business entity registration (dentistry)
32-1557. Unlawful naturopathic medical assistant practice (certain violations)
32-1667. Nursing program and licensing violations
32-1996. Unlawful dispensing of human growth hormone
32-2161. False statements or publications concerning land, subdivision or membership
camping contract for sale or lease
32-2165. Performing real estate activities without being licensed
32-2166. Performing real estate activities while incarcerated
32-2554. Violation of physician assistant statutes (see title 32, chapter 25)
32-3633. Influencing an appraiser to secure a misleading or fraudulent appraisal
36-757. Unlawful midwifery
36-855. Falsifying, forging, concealing, defacing or obliterating a document of human body
part gift for financial gain
36-2610. Reporting false or fraudulent information to Arizona State Board of Pharmacy or
unlawful disclosure of Arizona State Board of Pharmacy information
38-421. Stealing, destroying, altering or secreting public record (applies to a person who is
not a public officer)
38-423. Making or giving a false certificate (applies to a public officer)
38-444. Asking for or receiving illegal gratuity or reward (applies to a public officer)
38-465. Purchase of appointment to office
38-466. Sale of appointment to office (applies to a public officer)
38-510. Knowing conflict of interest violations by a public officer (see sections 38-503,
38-504 and 38-505)
38-793. Defrauding or attempting to defraud the Arizona State Retirement System
38-797.12. Defrauding or attempting to defraud the long-term disability program
38-849. Defrauding or attempting to defraud the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
39-124. Releasing identifying information of an eligible person
39-161. Presentment of false instrument for filing in a public office
41-329. Notary public notice violations
41-367. Electronic notary public notice violations
41-739. Drawing of an illegal warrant by the director or an employee of the department of
41-772. Solicitation of or discrimination against any employee or member of the personnel
41-1756. Unauthorized access to criminal history
41-2823. Aiding in escape of youth committed to department
42-1127. Certain luxury privilege tax violations (see title 42, chapter 3)
42-2004. Knowing disclosure of confidential tax information
42-11128. Making a false statement for property tax exemption
44-315. Knowing disclosure of confidential information relating to unclaimed property
44-1047. Fraudulent transactions by assignor
44-1215. Salting gold or silver ore to defraud
44-1216. Fraud on seller of ore
44-1218. Fraudulent or mock auction
44-1453. Counterfeit marks violations (certain violations)
44-1631. The charging of excessive interest or unlicensed activity by a pawnbroker (see
section 44-1626, subsection A and section 44-1627)
44-1732. Pyramid promotional scheme violations (see title 44, chapter 11, article 9)
44-1797.17. Discount buying services violations (see title 44, chapter 11, article 14)
44-6561. Unlawful solicitation for charity
45-139. Unlawful filling a body of water of 1,000 acre-feet or more (see title 45, chapter 1,
article 3)
45-636. Falsifying groundwater measuring device or unlawful withdrawal of 1,000 acre-feet
or more of groundwater
46-215. Welfare fraud by means of a false statement or representation, impersonation or other
fraudulent device
49-263. Certain water quality violations (see title 49, chapter 2)
49-263.01. Certain violations of the Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program
49-464. Certain violations of the hazardous substances and air pollutants statutes
49-514. Certain violations of the hazardous air pollutants statutes
49-861. Special waste management violations (see title 49, chapter 4, article 9)
49-925. Certain hazardous waste violations (see Title 49, Chapter 5, Article 2)
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