3-109. Unlawful influence of officer, inspector or other state employee (agriculture)
3-932. Theft of protected native plants (valued at $1,500 or more)
3-1304. Branding or altering brand of animal of another
3-1305. Obliterating or changing brand or mark
5-115. Certain racing violations (see title 5, chapter 1, article 1)
5-396. Aggravated operating or actual physical control of motorized watercraft while under
the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs (certain violations)
10-1632. Interrogatory or signature violations; corporate records (certain violations)
10-11632. Interrogatory or signature violations; corporate records (certain violations)
13-1001. Attempt of a class 3 felony
13-1002. Solicitation of a class 2 felony
13-1102. Negligent homicide
13-1204. Aggravated assault (certain violations)
13-1302. Custodial interference (if the child or incompetent person is taken out of this state by
the parent or custodian or agent or by the agent of the parent or custodian)
13-1304. Kidnapping (certain violations)
13-1306. Unlawfully obtaining labor or services
13-1424. Voyeurism (certain violations)
13-1506. Burglary in the third degree
13-1602. Criminal damage (damage of $10,000 or more or causing impairment of the
functioning of a utility)
13-1604. Aggravated criminal damage (certain violations)
13-1703. Arson of a structure or property (property valued at more than $1,000)
13-1705. Arson of an occupied jail or prison facility
13-1802. Theft (property or services valued at $3,000 or more but less than $4,000 or any
vehicle engine or transmission)
13-1804. Theft by extortion (certain violations)
13-1805. Shoplifting (certain violations)
13-1818. Misappropriation of charter school monies (less than $25,000)
13-1902. Robbery
13-2002. Forgery
13-2008. Taking the identity of another person or entity or knowingly accepting the identity of
another person
13-2104. Forgery of credit card
13-2109. Credit card transaction record theft (at least $2,000 but less than $3,000)
13-2304. Collection of extensions of credit by extortionate means
13-2308. Participating in or assisting a criminal syndicate (certain violations)
13-2309. Bribery of participants in professional or amateur games, sports, horse races, dog
races or contests
13-2316. Computer tampering (certain violations)
13-2316.01. Unlawful possession of an access device (100 or more)
13-2316.02. Unauthorized release of proprietary or confidential computer security
information (certain violations)
13-2319. Smuggling
13-2320. Residential mortgage fraud
13-2322. Knowingly making available a property to be used as a drop house
13-2411. Impersonating a peace officer (during the commission of certain felonies)
13-2504. Escape in the first degree
13-2602. Bribery of a public servant or party officer
13-2606. Offer to exert improper influence on public officer or employee for consideration
13-2702. Perjury
13-2805. Influencing a juror
13-2912. Introduction of disease or parasite (that is a threat to human health)
13-2925. Hoax
13-3019. Surreptitious photographing, videotaping, filming, digitally recording or viewing
(if person depicted is recognizable)
13-3102. Misconduct involving weapons (certain violations)
13-3104. Depositing explosives
13-3113. Adjudicated delinquents; firearm possession (second or subsequent offense)
13-3116. Misconduct involving body armor
13-3117. Using or threatening to use a remote stun gun against a law enforcement officer
engaged in official duties
13-3206. Taking a child for the purpose of prostitution (if the child is 15 years of age or older)
13-3405. Possession, use, production, sale or transportation of marijuana (certain violations)
13-3407. Possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation of
dangerous drugs (certain violations)
13-3408. Possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation of
narcotic drugs (certain violations)
13-3417. Use of wire communication or electronic communication in drug related transactions
13-3421. Using building for sale or manufacture of dangerous or narcotic drugs (fortification)
13-3506. Furnishing obscene or harmful items to minors
13-3506.01. Furnishing harmful items to minors by internet
13-3512. Obscene or indecent telephone communications to minors for commercial purposes
13-3608. Incest
13-3623. Child or vulnerable adult abuse (certain violations)
13-3713. Consideration for referral of a patient, client or customer; fraud (certain violations)
13-3725. Interference with monitoring devices
13-3824. Failure to comply with sex offender registration requirements
13-4702. Conducting a chop shop (other than owning or operating)
13-4802. Possession or sale of cloned cellular or wireless telephones
13-4902. Criminal trespass on a commercial nuclear generating station
23-575. Defrauding a professional employer organization
28-675. Causing death by use of a vehicle
28-1383. Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence of
intoxicating liquor or drugs (with suspended or revoked license, or a third or
subsequent violation in 84 months)
28-5921. Motor vehicle fuel tax violations
29-613. Interrogatory or signature violations; limited liability company records (certain
32-746. Fraudulent audit practices ( regarding any securities offering or financial statement
32-1364. Crimes against the dead (e.g., mutilation, necrophilia)
33-458. Resale of realty with intent to defraud
34-252. Contract, combination or conspiracy to restrain trade or commerce
35-301. Misuse of public monies by a public officer
36-2531. Certain controlled substances violations (see title 36, chapter 27)
38-231. Violation of loyalty oath by public officers and employees
38-363. The withholding or destruction by a former public officer of records or property of
38-421. Stealing, destroying, altering or secreting any public record by a public officer
40-303. Violation of law or commission authorizations regarding stock certificates or
evidences of indebtedness
41-1224. Altering or illegally removing enrolled copy of bill or resolution
41-2616. Procurement code violations
41-2705. Unlawful solicitation and award of state grants
42-1127. Certain criminal violations regarding the collection of taxes
43-416. Failure of employer to remit tax withholdings
44-1416. Government contract, combination or conspiracy to restrain trade or commerce
44-1841. Sale of unregistered securities
44-1842. Securities transactions by unregistered dealers and salesmen
44-1995. Certain sale of securities violations (see title 44, chapter 12, article 13)
44-3241. Fraud in providing investment advisory services
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