3-165. Unauthorized use of designation “Arizona heritage agriculture property”
3-356. Pesticide violations
3-670. Regulation of trade and real milk products violations
3-737. Regulation of eggs and egg products violations
3-932. Certain Arizona native plant violations
3-1269. Use of unrecorded brand
3-1297. Concealment of livestock killed or injured by railroad or motor vehicle
3-1311. Allowing dogs to chase livestock resulting in injury to the livestock
3-1312. Transporting one equine in a cruel manner
3-1336. Slaughtering, selling, purchasing, driving, transporting, shipping or
conveying uninspected livestock
3-1347. Livestock inspection violations (unless otherwise classified)
3-2008. Unlawfully receiving for transportation or selling uninspected hides
3-2088. Processed, blended or prepared meat and meat food products violations
3-2406. Violations relating to the control and destruction of predatory animals and
3-2641. Selling unmarked egg mash containers
4-241. Solicitation by an underage person of another person to purchase, sell,
give, serve or furnish spirituous liquor contrary to law
5-349. Watercraft hit and run (no injuries)
5-410. Bingo violations (unless otherwise classified)
5-515. Sale of lottery tickets or shares to underage persons
5-515.01. Sale of lottery tickets to persons using a public assistance voucher or an
electronic benefits transfer card
9-500.27. Violating an off-road vehicle ordinance
10-2106. Unauthorized wearing of insignia of patriotic or fraternal order to obtain
11-424.02. Unlawful payment of salary to justices of the peace
12-128.01. Unlawful payment of salary to judges and commissioners
12-2029. Disobedience of writ
13-1001. Attempt of a class 2 misdemeanor
13-1002. Solicitation of a misdemeanor
13-1004. Facilitation of a class 6 felony or a misdemeanor
13-1203. Knowingly touching another person with the intent to injure, insult or
13-1408. Adultery
13-1502. Criminal trespass in the third degree
13-2405. Compounding of a misdemeanor offense
13-2905. Loitering (certain violations)
13-2906. Obstructing a highway or other public thoroughfare
13-2908. Criminal nuisance
13-2909. Residential picketing
13-2920. Violations relating to advertisements and required preamble message for
telephone information services
13-3009. Failure to report to law enforcement officers (interception devices
13-3403.02. Solicitation by an underage person of another person to purchase, sell,
give, serve or furnish a nitrous oxide container
13-3411. Failure of school personnel to report possession, use, sale or transfer of
controlled substances
13-3715. Unauthorized manufacture, duplication, use or possession of key to a
public building
13-3722. Unauthorized solicitation for American veterans’ organizations
13-3806. Failure of physician or other attendant to report gunshot wounds, knife
wounds or other material injury to a law enforcement officer
15-507. Abuse of teacher or school employee
15-512. Making false statements on application for employment with a school
15-534. Making false statements on application for teacher certification
15-802. Failure to provide school instruction to child between ages of 6 and 16
16-1003. False endorsement or knowing destruction or delay in delivery of ballot
16-1009. Failure or refusal to perform duty by election officer
17-316. Entering or remaining on a designated hunting area with the intent to
interfere with the lawful taking of wildlife.
17-458. Wildlife habitat protection violations
20-485.12. Insurance administrator violations (unless otherwise classified)
21-236. Refusing to permit an employee to take a leave of absence to serve as a
23-212. Filing a false and frivolous complaint about knowing employment of
unauthorized aliens
23-212.01. Filing a false and frivolous complaint about intentional employment of
unauthorized aliens
23-329. Paying a minor employee less than the mandatory minimum fair wage
23-657. Employment security violations
23-676. Failure to obey industrial commission subpoena
23-722. Failure of an employee or agent of the department of economic security to
keep reports obtained from an employing unit confidential
23-722.02. Failure to provide employer with a copy of a child support order
23-749. Failure of employer to make contributions or payments, furnish reports or
produce or permit inspection of records
23-786. Making a false statement, misrepresentation or nondisclosure of material
fact to defraud claimant by employer
26-168. Refusal to allow absence from employment for military duty or requiring
loss of vacation and seniority rights for same
28-663. Failure to give information and assistance after an accident
28-664. Failure to stop after striking unattended vehicle
28-665. Failure to notify owner after striking fixtures on a highway
28-672 Causing serious physical injury or death by a moving vehicle
28-701.02. Excessive speed violations
28-912. Improper transportation of one equine to slaughter
28-1101. Weight violations (second violation within six months of preceding
28-1102. Failure or refusal to stop and submit the vehicle and load to a weighing
28-1174. Off-highway vehicle driving violations
28-1522. Injuring or preventing operation of vehicle
28-1560. Illegal cancellation of traffic citation
28-2403. Giving false or fictitious information when applying for or renewing a
special plate or failing to report a transferred special plate
28-2451. Giving false or fictitious information when applying for or renewing an
honored military license plate or failing to report a transferred plate
28-3481. Driving a commercial motor vehicle without an appropriate class of
28-4036. Operating a vehicle without meeting the vehicle financial responsibility
28-4553. Unauthorized issuance of temporary registration plates by a dealer
28-4591. Violations relating to vehicle dealers and automotive recyclers (unless
otherwise classified)
28-4593. Altering a serial or identification number of a motor vehicle
28-4628. Vehicle service transporter license plates violations
28-5009. Unauthorized issuance of a temporary registration plate or issuance of a
temporary registration plate containing a misstatement of fact
28-5438. Weight violations (second violation within six months of preceding
28-7056. Dumping trash on highways or airports
28-8276. Aircraft operation violations (unless otherwise classified)
28-8476. Airport zoning and regulation violations
32-1263.01. Unauthorized removal of notice of suspension or revocation of a dental
32-1456. Unauthorized use of title of medical assistant or related abbreviation
32-2392. Professional driver training school violations
32-3056. Private postsecondary education violations
36-133. Disclosure of confidential information obtained in the chronic disease
surveillance system
36-135. Disclosure of confidential information obtained from the child
immunization reporting system
36-140. Department of health services violations
36-183.03. Maintaining unsanitary premises after notice from county peace officer
36-183.07. Violation of local health department sanitary ordinance or regulation (if
the person holds a valid permit)
36-191. Local health department violations
36-344. Transporting or accepting for transport human remains without a permit,
refusing to provide vital records information or disregarding or refusing to
perform any duties relating to vital records and public health statistics
36-431. Health care institution violations
36-479. Clinical laboratory violations
36-495.11. Environmental laboratory violations
36-630. Contagious or infectious disease violations (unless otherwise classified)
36-641. Industrial sanitation violations
36-666. Performing an unauthorized HIV-related test or disclosing or procuring
the unauthorized disclosure of confidential communicable disease related
36-737. Tuberculosis control violations
36-798.01. Selling or giving beedies or bidis to a minor
36-798.04. Unlawful manufacture, sale or distribution of cigarettes and roll-your-own
36-1105. Caustic alkalies and acid violations
36-1608. Fireworks violations
36-1651. Unlawful abandonment or storage of refrigerators in any place accessible
to children
36-1938. Hearing aid dispensers, audiologists and speech-language pathologists
36-2221 Unlawful disclosure of confidential information collected by state trauma
38-494. Failing to observe civil service preference for veterans in the selection of a
public employee or in grading the examination papers of an applicant for
employment as provided in section 38-492
41-130. Unauthorized use of state seal
41-321. Notary seal violations
41-1354. Unauthorized release of library user records
41-1758.05. Falsifying material fact or making or using a false fingerprint clearance
41-1976. Selling or otherwise disposing of goods labeled or sold as products of the
blind without a permit
41-2086. Selling engine coolant or antifreeze without aversive or bittering agent
41-2814. Making a false statement, representation or certification in an application
for employment with the department of juvenile corrections
42-1105.03. Unauthorized disclosure of information related to a tax return
42-1127. General taxation provision violations (unless otherwise classified)
42-3305. Shipping, transporting, selling or distributing tobacco products on which
the tax has not been paid
42-5005. Privilege license violations
42-19008. Personal property assessment violations
44-1231.05. Fraudulent practices in the sale of Indian arts and crafts (property offered
for sale at less than $2,500)
44-1272.01. Failure to comply with telephone solicitation registration requirements
within 30 days after notice
44-1481. Fraudulent advertising violations
44-1655. Making or offering to make a future contract
44-1799.36. Shopping cart violations
44-1799.62. Unlawful disclosure of amusement ride safety records information
44-5008. Home solicitation and referral sales violations
45-139. Unlawfully filling or refilling a body of water (less than 100 acre-feet)
45-190. Overstating a water claim
45-636. Unlawfully withdrawing or using 100 acre-feet or less of groundwater
45-1607. Weather control or cloud modification violations
46-216. Welfare violations (unless otherwise classified)
48-320. Failure to obey quarantine of antinoxious weed district
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