3-215 Refusal or failure to comply with department of agriculture rules or orders
3-268. Unlawful reporting or disclosing of information by department of
agriculture employee
3-283. Fertilizer materials violations
3-418. Failure to pay or remit any monies relating to agricultural marketing
orders and agreements
3-468.05. Failure to pay any Arizona citrus research council fees
3-526.05. Failure to pay any Arizona iceberg lettuce research council fees
3-614. Sale of milk or milk products from diseased cow
3-634. Certain dairies and dairying violations
3-932. Certain Arizona native plant violations
3-1088. Failure to pay or remit any monies due or collected as required by the
cotton research and protection council
3-1205. Violating any lawful order or rule regarding a threat to the livestock or
poultry industries or breaking any quarantine established by the state
3-1237. Failure to pay or remit any monies due or collected as required by the
Arizona beef council
3-1294. Improperly maintaining a stallion or jack
3-1296. Ranging of unbranded range livestock
3-1298. Herding sheep or goats on land or water of another without consent
3-1299. Herding, grazing or pasturing sheep or goats on cattle range
3-1300. Livestock leaving the land and grazing or feeding on the land of another
person due to overstocking of land
3-1301. Gathering cattle for tournament or contest without consent of owner
3-1302. Taking and use of animal without consent of owner
3-1312. Transporting one equine in a cruel manner (subsequent violation) or
transporting two or more equine in a cruel manner
3-1341. Transportation of livestock without certificate of inspection
3-1342. Alteration of livestock certificate or record of inspection
3-1343. Substitution of animals after issuance of certificate of inspection
3-1424. Recklessly allowing livestock to run at large within a no-fence district
3-1702. Failure of railroad to provide stock crossings required in fences enclosing
3-1776. Brucellosis control violations
3-2007. Purchase of uninspected hide
3-2010. Failure to identify animals with drug residue
3-2011. Failure to have hide inspected after slaughter of animals by producer or
owner for own use
3-2012. Secreting hide or defacement of mark or brand on hide before inspection
3-2013. Slaughter of animals for compensation without a license
3-2081. Failure to obtain a license or to keep records of sale or exchange of meat
or poultry
3-2082. Unlawful sale of meat of livestock without hide inspection and meat
3-2092. Slaughter of animals and sale of meat violations (unless otherwise
3-2131. Horsemeat violations (unless otherwise classified)
3-2159. Certain poultry violations (unless otherwise classified)
3-2616. Commercial and customer-formula feeds violations
3-2669. Unlawful feeding of garbage to swine
3-2694. Unlawful operation of a slaughterhouse or sale of fresh meat intended for
use as food for animals
3-3107. Department of agriculture safety inspection and investigation violations
3-3113. Giving advance notice of an impending inspection or making false
statements in records required to be maintained for agricultural safety
4-246. Alcoholic beverages violations (unless otherwise classified)
4-251. Possessing an open container of or consuming spirituous liquor in the
passenger compartment of a motor vehicle located on any public highway
or right-of-way of a public highway
5-115. Horse and dog racing violations (unless otherwise classified)
5-236. Boxing and sparring violations
5-341. Negligent operation of watercraft or water skis
5-391. Allowing reckless use of watercraft or unlawful possession of certificate
of number, department issued number or annual decal
5-399.02. Failure to maintain records of towed watercraft
5-409. Bingo records violations
6-134. False statements as to financial condition of a bank, savings and loan
association or credit union
6-484. Illegal use of name (“building and loan company”, “building and loan
association”, “savings and loan company” or “savings and loan
6-837. Failure of escrow agent to produce escrow records for inspection
6-860. Failure of trustee, escrow officer or agent to produce trust or escrow
records for inspection or unlawful release of such information
6-1241. Unlawful release of information reported to attorney general relating to
money laundering
8-303. Interfering with the taking of a juvenile into temporary custody (juvenile
8-520. Child welfare and placement violations (unless otherwise classified)
8-542. Unlawful disclosure, receipt or use of confidential information relating to
child welfare and placement
8-802. Alteration of child protective services files for the purpose of fraud or
8-807. Unlawful release of confidential child protective services information
8-821. Interfering with the taking of a child into temporary custody by child
protective services
9-479. Conveyance by reference to unauthorized plat
9-499.05. Unlawful towing of a motor vehicle from private property (cities and
9-904. Police and fire departments minimum wage violations
10-2023. Inducing breach of contract by member or spreading false reports relating
to finances (nonprofit corporations)
11-251.04. Unlawful towing of a motor vehicle from private property (county)
11-301. Permitting a patient capable of self-support to remain in the hospital at the
expense of the county
11-458. Failure or refusal of sheriff to pay or disburse fine or forfeiture received
11-494. Failure to issue receipts for monies received by treasurerâs office
11-593. Failure to report death under certain circumstances to a peace officer
11-806.01. Causing a final plat to be recorded without first submitting the plat and
obtaining approval of the board
11-808. Public nuisance violations
11-940. Public parks violations
11-1008. Dog license violations
11-1009. Kennel permit violation (30 days after receiving notice)
11-1019. Animal control violations (unless otherwise classified)
11-1024. Service animal violations
11-1137. Failing to collect the county recorder fee for or falsifying information
required on a real estate transfer affidavit
12-285. Failure or refusal of clerk to pay or disburse fine or forfeiture
12-810. Violation or disobedience of an injunction or order relating to bawdy
12-863. Contempt of court
12-1000. Knowingly disturbing a notice of removal posted on the real property of a
clandestine drug laboratory
13-1001. Attempt of a class 1 misdemeanor
13-1002. Solicitation of a class 6 felony
13-1203. Assault by recklessly causing physical injury to another person or
intentionally placing another person in reasonable apprehension of
imminent physical injury
13-1305. Child access interference within this state
13-1503. Criminal trespass in the second degree
13-1602. Criminal damage (unless otherwise classified)
13-1603. Criminal littering or polluting (unless otherwise classified)
13-1706. Negligent burning of wildlands
13-2007. Unlawful use of slugs
13-2315. Unauthorized release of racketeering investigation records
13-2408. Securing the proceeds of a misdemeanor offense
13-2410. Obstructing officer from collecting public money
13-2412. Refusing to provide truthful name when lawfully detained
13-2503. Escape in the second degree from the Arizona state hospital if the person
was committed for certain treatments
13-2509. Resisting an order directing, regulating or controlling a motor vehicle
13-2704. Unsworn falsification relating to a material issue to a public servant in
connection with an application for any benefit, privilege or license
13-2814. Simulating legal process
13-2913. Violation of a fire ban
13-2915. Preventing use of telephone in emergency or false representation of
emergency on a party line
13-2917. Maintaining or committing a public nuisance
13-2919. Unlawful automated telephone solicitation
13-3003. Unauthorized opening, reading or publishing sealed letter of another
13-3004. Sending threatening or anonymous letter to another
13-3108. Violation of a city ordinance limiting or prohibiting the discharge of
firearms in parks (unless political subdivision designates a lesser
13-3306. Possession of a bingo gambling device
13-3404.01. First violation of retailer selling precursor chemicals (less than a total of
fifty grams of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, (-)-norpseudoephedrine or
13-3456. Possession of imitation controlled substance
13-3457. Possession of imitation prescription-only drug
13-3458. Possession of imitation over-the-counter drug
13-3621. Hire or use of child under sixteen for public vocation
13-3702. Defacing or damaging petroglyphs, pictographs, caves or caverns
13-3703. Abuse of venerated objects
13-3706. Failure to procure or exhibit a business license
13-3709. Fraudulently obtaining cable television services
13-3712. Interruption of or injury to cable television systems
13-3719. Fraudulently obtaining wireless telecommunications services or wireless
telecommunications devices
13-3851. Delivery to the agent for extradition of the demanding state a person
uninformed of his legal rights
13-3864. Receiving or accepting compensation, fee or reward for surrender of a
fugitive, conveying a fugitive to this state or detaining him therein
13-3904. Violation of promise to appear in court
13-3924. Unlawful procurement of search warrant without probable cause
15-156. Unlawful application of liquid roofing systems to a public school building
16-181. Failure to return completed voter registration materials
16-184. Failure or refusal of elections officer to perform any duty required (unless
otherwise classified)
16-402. Refusing employee absence from employment for purpose of voting
16-452. Violation of a rule in the instructions and procedures manual relating to
16-515. Violation of the seventy-five foot limit notice
16-705. Failure of delegate to vote at the convention in accordance with the
platform or nomination petition statement
16-919. Contribution by corporations, limited liability companies or labor
organizations for the purpose of influencing an election
16-923. Volunteering services for expected compensation (unless otherwise
16-1007. Election officer ascertaining or disclosing elector’s vote
16-1008. Election officer changing vote of elector by menace or reward
16-1014. Corruption of electors or receiving payment for votes
16-1015. Wagering on elections
16-1017. Unlawful acts by voters relating to voting
16-1018. Additional unlawful acts by persons relating to voting
16-1019. Tampering with political signs within forty-five days before a primary
election through seven days after the general election
17-250. Violating a game and fish order relating to wildlife diseases
17-293. Unlawful financial interest in real property by game and fish commission
17-309. Game and fish violations (unless otherwise classified)
17-316. Intentionally interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife in a hunting
17-338. Failure of license dealers to remit fees from sale of licenses or permits
17-341. Applying for or obtaining license or permit to take wildlife by fraud or
20-114. Insurance violations (unless otherwise classified)
20-458. Fraudulent statement by insurance producer, examining physician or
another in application for life or disability insurance
20-724. Voting for illegal dividends to stockholders
20-1095.07. Selling an unapproved motor vehicle service contract program
20-1589. Paying any commission or making any unlawful rebate by a title insurer or
title insurance agent
20-1811. Entering into or extending a life care contract without a permit
20-1906. Knowing failure to provide or to hold confidential insurance information
21-233. Misconduct of challenged grand juror
21-235. Unlawful recording, listening to or observing grand jury proceedings
22-118. Failure of justice of the peace to disburse fine or forfeiture
22-119. Purchase of judgment by justice of the peace
22-133. Failure of constable to pay or disburse fine or forfeiture received
22-134. Purchase of judgment by constable
22-407. Failure of presiding officer of a municipal court to pay or disburse fine or
forfeiture received
23-202. Exaction of fee or gratuity as condition of employment
23-203. Compulsion or coercion of employee or another to buy from a particular
23-239. Youth employment practices and working condition violations
23-282. Commanding, persuading or allowing underground mine employees and
hoisting engineers to work more than an eight hour day
23-408. Inspection of places and practices of employment violations
23-418. Giving advance notice of an inspection or making a false statement to be
filed with the division of occupational safety and health
23-683. Charging fees for department of economic security benefits
23-735. Requiring or accepting payments from wages to finance employer’s
contribution to the department of economic security
23-808. Charging compensation for services as attorney exceeding twenty-five per
cent of the amount recovered for damages for death or injury of an
employee in the course of a hazardous occupation
23-1324. Picketing and secondary boycott violations
23-1342. Compelling or coercing another not to join labor union as requisite to
23-1362. Labor blacklisting
25-126. Using the authority granted to the justice of the peace for personal gain or
intentional failure of justice of the peace to transmit the report and fees for
marriage licenses
25-128. Unlawful acts of person authorized to solemnize marriages
25-129. Unlawful acts of person authorized to issue marriage license or make
marriage records
26-126. Failing to give or giving false information to a county recorder relating to
claiming an exemption from service in militia
26-167. Employment discrimination against national guard members
26-169. Discrimination against uniformed national guard members by public
26-170. Unauthorized wearing of uniform or rank insignia of a uniformed services
26-178. Illegal possession of military equipment of this state or the United States
(valued at less than $50)
27-128. Failure to cease mining operations because of hazardous dust conditions
after receiving an order from the state mine inspector
27-318. Failing to secure within 60 days of notification and keeping secure an
abandoned or inactive mine
27-527. Oil and gas production and conservation violations
27-663. Unlawful interference with an inspection of a geothermal well
27-1026. Failing or refusing to conduct required reclamation or causing an
unauthorized surface disturbance at an exploration operation or mining
27-1326. Failing or refusing to conduct required reclamation or causing an
unauthorized surface disturbance at an exploration operation or aggregate
mining unit
28-121. Transportation violations (unless otherwise classified and except for any
provision or requirement of title 28, chapter 3, 5, 7 or 8, chapter 9, article
4 or chapter 10, article 10)
28-622. Failure to comply with police officer
28-662. Failure to stop after accident involving damage to vehicle
28-693. Reckless driving
28-912. Improper transportation of one equine (subsequent violation) or the
improper transportation of two or more equine to slaughter
28-1101. Weight violations (second conviction within one year)
28-1174. Driving an off-highway vehicle with reckless disregard for the safety of
persons or property
28-1523. Transporting hazardous material (unless otherwise classified)
28-1524. Requiring or permitting unlawful operation of a vehicle by the person
owning or controlling the vehicle
28-1595. Failure to stop or provide driver license or evidence of identity
28-2091. Salvage, stolen vehicle and nonrepairable vehicle certificate of title
28-2152. Registration in county not of residence with intent to evade vehicle
emissions control
28-2166. Failure to comply with vehicle rented without a driver insurance
28-2328. Failure to comply with nonresident vehicle registration responsibility
28-2531. Registration card and license plate violations
28-3474. Permitting unauthorized minor to drive
28-3478. Driver license and nonoperating identification license violations
28-3480. Operation of a motor vehicle in violation of a driver license restriction
28-4142. Forging or unlawful signing or filing of evidence of proof of financial
28-4153. False certification or affirmation of nonoperational vehicle
28-4363. Failure to timely notify the director of any proposed revisions, changes or
additions to the franchise agreement filed with the director
28-4553. Inserting false information on the face of a vehicle dealer or manufacturer
temporary registration plate
28-4838. Failing to report abandoned and seized vehicle
28-4839. Failing to report vehicle abandoned in garage or lot for storage
28-4848. Failure to provide access to impounded vehicle
28-5009. Inserting false information on the face of a title service company
temporary registration plate
28-5240. Commercial motor carrier, manufacturer or shipper safety violations (first
28-5242. Operating an unregistered motor vehicle involved in interstate or foreign
28-5437. Operation of a motor vehicle with excess weight
28-5438. Gross weight violations (second conviction within one year)
28-5608. Importing excess fuel in fuel tanks
28-5707. Interstate user fuel tax violations (unless otherwise classified)
28-6807. Collecting higher rate of toll other than set by the board
28-6999. Unlawful approval for expenditure in excess of amount appropriated by
28-7252. Failure to construct or repair bridge or crossing
28-7508. Financial interest by members of the board or employees of department in
real property for future highway needs
28-7915. Outdoor advertising violations
28-7946. Junkyard violations
28-8343. Aircraft total loss violations
30-689. Control of ionizing radiation violations
31-127. Abuse of prisoner by a public officer
31-128. Unauthorized communication with prisoner (jails)
31-231. Unauthorized communication with prisoner (state prison)
32-145. Practicing a board of technical registration regulated profession or
occupation without registration or certification
32-747. Certified public accountant violations (unless otherwise classified)
32-855. Practicing podiatry without a license
32-1268. Failing to obey a summons of the dental board or employing an unlicensed
32-1269. Dentistry violations (unless otherwise classified)
32-1297.09. Practicing as a denturist without a license
32-1365. Funeral director or embalmer violations (unless otherwise classified)
32-1455. Unlawful use of designation or abbreviation that would lead the public to
believe a person is licensed to practice medicine in this state
32-1696. Unlawful acts relating to opticians (certain violations)
32-1697. Practicing as an optician or operating an optical establishment without a
32-1752. Practicing as an optometrist without a license
32-1996. Practicing as a pharmacist, pharmacist intern, pharmacy technician or
pharmacy technician trainee without a license
32-2084. Acting as a psychologist without a license
32-2091.12 Unlawful acts relating to practice of behavior analysis
32-2554. Using the designation of “physician assistant” without a license
32-2822. Radiologic technologist violations
32-2931. Unlawful use of designation or abbreviation that would lead others to
believe a person is licensed to practice homeopathic medicine
32-3286. Acting as a behavioral health professional without a license
33-103. Destroying, disfiguring, removing or disturbing monuments marked by a
land surveyor
33-322. Damage to premises by tenant
33-903. Knowingly failing to make a statement relating to liens for farm services
or making a false or misleading statement
33-990. Failure by lessee or operator of mine to post “no lien” notice
34-246. Eligibility and preference of contractors and subcontractors violations
34-301. Employing aliens on public works (see sec. 34-246)
34-302. Employing persons who have not been bona fide residents for one year or
more (see sec. 34-246)
35-502. Omitting or refusing to comply with the orders of the department of
36-160. Unauthorized disclosure of clinical records, medical reports or laboratory
statements or reports
36-183.03. Maintaining unsanitary premises (violations without holding a permit)
36-183.07. Local health department violations (without holding a permit)
36-405.01. Health screening services violations
36-446.09. Licensed nursing care institution administrators or certified assisted living
facility managers violations
36-517. Cruelty to mentally disordered person
36-544. Assisting with unauthorized absence from an evaluation agency or mental
health treatment agency
36-569. Improper, abusive treatment or neglect of a developmentally disabled
36-604. Failure to abate a health menace near military encampments within 24
hours after service of the order of abatement
36-631. Person with contagious or infectious disease exposing himself to public
36-737. Intentionally exposing others to infection or leaving custody, isolation,
quarantine or detention (tuberculosis)
36-796.08. Public health control bedding violations
36-798.05. Unlawful delivery of tobacco products not solicited by at least one adult
36-892. Day care center violations (unless otherwise classified)
36-908. Refusal to obey special inspection warrant for the purpose of pure food
36-914. Food standards and misleading labeling violations
36-1626 Gas appliance violations
36-1634. Safety glazing violations
36-1641. Safety construction violations in public buildings
36-1661. Placing or leaving injurious drug or substance about an occupied house or
36-1972. Practicing as an interpreter for the deaf and the hard of hearing without a
36-2610. Failure to report required pharmacy information
36-3503. Confidentiality of child fatality records violations
37-246. Failure or refusal by purchaser of state lands under certificate of purchase
to pay monies made from the sale of natural products of lands
37-501. Trespassing on state lands and causing extractions or destruction
38-234. Usurpation of office
38-414. Failure of a public officer to report amount of fees collected
38-422. Failure of tax or revenue collector or disburser to permit inspection of
books by attorney general or county attorney
38-442. Persons acting as public officers without qualifying
38-443. Nonfeasance in public office
38-445. Using pass or obtaining special rates for transportation by public officer
38-481. Employment of relatives by executive, legislative, ministerial or judicial
38-494. Civil service preference for veterans violations
38-538.01. Unauthorized placing of state and political subdivision patterns and
insignias on vehicles
38-538.04. Designation of state and political subdivision motor vehicle violations
(unless otherwise classified)
39-101. Failure of public officer to maintain permanent public records to standards
40-204. Divulging information from a report of public service corporation to the
corporation commission
40-339. Refusal of common carrier to receive or carry passenger
40-360.02. Divulging confidential information contained in the power plant
construction plan
40-431. Preventing an officer or agent of a public service corporation from
examining property
40-433. Failure or refusal of agent or employee of telegraph or telephone company
to send or deliver a lawful and prepaid message
40-811. Contracting debt exceeding means of corporation to pay
40-852. Allowing engine or car to remain on public crossing for a period
exceeding 15 minutes
40-854. Failure of locomotive to sound warning device at public railroad crossing
40-855. Criminally negligent violation or omission of duty by railroad officer or
employee that endangers human life or safety (unless otherwise classified)
41-195. Department of law and attorney general violations
41-198. Failure to comply with confidentiality requirements of domestic violence
fatality review teams
41-511.13. Damaging, defacing or destroying any public park or monument property
and any other Arizona state parks board violation (unless otherwise
41-624. Unlawfully paying or receiving commissions on sales of insurance to the
41-735. Refusing an internal audit conducted by department of administration
41-773. Use of political influence by elected or appointed official to cause the
firing, promotion or demotion of any public employee or the hiring of or
failure to hire any applicant for public employment
41-775. Department of administration personnel administration violations
41-838. Historical name violations
41-846. Archaeological discovery violations
41-1154. Disobeying legislative subpoena or refusal to give testimony or produce
41-1221. Preventing meeting of or disturbing legislature
41-1235. Spurious communications with legislature
41-1279.04. Failure to permit examination of records by auditor general
41-1346. Failure of agency head to maintain and manage state and local public
41-1348. Production and reproduction of records by agencies of the state and
political subdivisions violations
41-1959. Rules of permissible disclosure of confidential information violations
41-2111. Unlawful sale or offer for sale of commercial device (weights &
41-2113. Certain department of weights and measures violations
41-2191. Filing a false statement with the office of administration in the department
of fire, building and life safety
41-2195. Department of fire, building and life safety violations
41-3804. Failure of human rights committees to maintain confidentiality of client
42-1006. Making a false statement to or failing to answer taxpayer interrogatory
42-3154. Failing or refusing to permit the department of revenue to examine records
42-3210. Unlawful sale of cigarettes not properly stamped
42-5025. Failing or refusing to permit examination of records by department of
42-14103. Filing a false or fraudulent annual report relating to valuation of oil, gas
and geothermal properties
42-14304. Filing a false or fraudulent annual statement relating to private car
42-15055. Failing to file a report or filing a false report with the assessors office
42-18126. Failure of county treasurer to publish and post the list and notice of
delinquent tax sales
42-19154. Failing to maintain a landowner’s register of mobile homes
43-210. Unauthorized sale or transfer of a health premium tax certificate
44-1211. Fraudulent conveyance or other transaction with intent to defraud others or
defeat creditors
44-1212. False report relating to price, quality or quantity of property to principal
by agent
44-1213. Issuing a get rich quick contract
44-1214. Increasing weight of goods sold in container
44-1217. Fraud on creditors by removal, sale or concealment of property
44-1221. Misrepresenting the geographical origin or location of a business
44-1231.05. Fraudulent practices in the sale of Indian arts and crafts (property offered
for sale at $2,500 or more but less than $20,000)
44-1245. Fraudulent practices in the sale of petroleum products
44-1280. Unauthorized release of information or recording of a public service
corporation obtained from subpoena
44-1372.05. Commercial electronic mail violations
44-1456. Use of trademarked container for other articles
44-1507. Rate signs of hotels and motor courts violations
44-1652. Operating bucket shop
44-1653. Owning or managing property permitting bucket shop
44-1656. Acting or offering to act as agent or broker to make future contract
44-1686. Jewelry auction violations
45-112. Unauthorized use, diversion or storage of water, interference with an
established headgate, measuring device or water box or obstruction of
waterworks or water storage
45-139. Bodies of water violations (unless otherwise classified)
45-636. Groundwater code violations (unless otherwise classified)
45-1216. Supervision of dams, reservoirs and projects violations (unless otherwise
45-2654. Gila River Indian community water settlement program violations
(conditionally effective)
46-140.01. Failure to report discovered violations of federal immigration law by an
46-213. Failure of recipient to notify department of economic security of change in
46-603. Fraudulent use of identification card
48-308 Failure to eradicate the noxious weeds, shrubs, vines or grasses
complained of within five days after service of notice
48-834. Issuance of illegal certificate of exemption by chief officer of any fire
48-1069. Unlawful interest in real property by board of directors member or district
48-1556. Violating or neglecting the duties of a power district officer
48-2031. Failure to obtain required connection permit
48-2996. Violating or neglecting the duties of an irrigation and water conservation
district officer
48-3615. Building in a floodplain or other unauthorized diversion of the flow of
waters in a watercourse if it creates a hazard to life or property
48-3622. Unauthorized connection to storm water drain
48-3782. Filing false or fraudulent information in a report to the multi-county water
conservation district
48-4574. Filing false or fraudulent information in a report to the groundwater
replenishment district
48-4575. Unlawful interest in real property by groundwater replenishment district
board member or district employee
48-4983. Filing false or fraudulent information in a report to an active management
area water district
48-5168. Unlawful interest in real property by regional public transportation
authority board member or employee
49-263. Water quality control violations (unless otherwise classified)
49-354. Potable water systems violations
49-550. Annual emissions inspection of motor vehicles violations (unless
otherwise classified)
49-791. Solid waste facility management violations
49-810. Used oil program violations
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