3-215. Dangerous plant pests and disease violations or obstruction of department
of agriculture inspectors
3-356. Using or revealing formulas of pesticide products or any other pesticide
violation after receiving a warning
3-370. Pesticide control (nonserious violation)
3-464. Improper certification of citrus fruit or improper influence of a citrus fruit
3-520. Improper certification of fruits and vegetables or improper influence of a
fruit and vegetable inspector
3-932. Certain Arizona native plant violations
3-1002. Arizona exposition and state fair board; members (conflict of interest)
3-1311. Intentionally or recklessly allowing a dog to wound or kill livestock
3-1312. Transporting two or more equine in a cruel manner (subsequent violation)
3-2131. Selling horsemeat as beef and certain other horsemeat violations
3-2159. Poultry slaughter and transportation regulations violation
3-2910. Unauthorized removal of aquatic animals or plants from aquaculture
4-241. Use of a written instrument by an underage person to illegally obtain
4-244. Certain liquor violations (see section 4-246, subsection B)
5-393. Refusal of inspection for stolen watercraft
5-395. Refusal of request to provide a portion of sample for law enforcement
5-391.01 Operating or in actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while
intoxicated (see section 5-395, subsection L)
5-397. Operating or in actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while
under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor
5-514. Unauthorized sale of lottery tickets
5-811. Tourism and sports authority (conflict of interest by directors, officers and
6-1262. Deferred presentment regulations violations
9-499. Disposal of rubbish, trash, filth or debris on any private or public property
10-1623. Failure to comply with statement of bankruptcy or receivership
requirements (corporations)
10-11623. Failure to comply with statement of bankruptcy or receivership
requirements (nonprofit corporations)
11-268. Disposal of rubbish, trash, filth or debris on any private or public property
located in the unincorporated areas of the county
11-702. County sports authority (conflict of interest by board of directors)
12-997. Unlawfully removing or mutilating a closing order or notice
13-1001. Attempt of a class 6 felony
13-1002. Solicitation of a class 5 felony
13-1004. Facilitation of a class 4 or 5 felony
13-1201. Endangerment (except involving a substantial risk of imminent death)
13-1202. Threatening or intimidating (certain violations)
13-1203. Assault by intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing physical injury
to another person
13-1208. Assault by vicious animals at large (owner knows of propensity to attack)
13-1213. Aiming a laser pointer at a peace officer
13-1302. Custodial interference (if the child or incompetent person is voluntarily
returned without physical injury)
13-1303. Unlawful imprisonment (if the victim is released voluntarily without
physical injury)
13-1402. Indecent exposure (to person 15 years of age or older)
13-1403. Public sexual indecency
13-1422. Sexually oriented businesses (location and hours of operation violation)
13-1504. Criminal trespass in the first degree (certain violations)
13-1603. Criminal littering or polluting (placing any destructive or injurious
material within fifty feet of a highway, beach or shoreline of any body of
water used by the public)
13-1702. Reckless burning
13-1703. Arson of property (value of $100 or less)
13-1706. Reckless burning of wildlands
13-1707. Unlawful burning of crosses
13-1708. Unlawful burning of symbols
13-1802. Theft (property or services valued at less than $1,000 and not a firearm or
a dog taken for dog fighting)
13-1805. Shoplifting (property valued at less than $1,000 and not a firearm)
13-1806. Failure to return rented or leased property
13-1807. Issuing a bad check
13-2005. Obtaining a signature by deception
13-2011. Fraudulent creation or possession of admission tickets
13-2103. Receipt of anything of value obtained by fraudulent use of a credit card
(property valued at less than $250)
13-2105. Fraudulent use of a credit card
13-2106. Possession of machinery, plate or other contrivance or incomplete credit
13-2108. Fraud by person authorized to provide goods or services
13-2109. Credit card transaction record theft (valued at less than $500)
13-2202. Deceptive business practices
13-2203. False advertising
13-2208. Usury
13-2402. Obstructing governmental operations
13-2403. Refusing to aid a peace officer
13-2404. Refusing to assist in fire control
13-2406. Impersonating a public servant
13-2506. Failure to appear in the second degree
13-2511. Hindering prosecution in the second degree
13-2513. Failure to discharge duties resulting in the escape of a prisoner or the
serious physical injury to or the death of any other person or prisoner
13-2605. Commercial bribery (value of the benefit is less than $100)
13-2704. Unsworn falsification (false testimony under oath in judicial, legislative or
administrative proceeding)
13-2810. Interfering with judicial proceedings
13-2812. Unlawful grand jury disclosure
13-2813. Unlawful disclosure of an indictment, information or complaint
13-2902. Unlawful assembly
13-2904. Disorderly conduct
13-2905. Loitering in or about a school, college or university building or grounds
after a reasonable request to leave
13-2907. False reporting of an emergency to public agency
13-2907.01. False reporting to law enforcement agency
13-2907.02. False reporting of child abuse or neglect
13-2907.03. False reporting of sexual assault involving a spouse
13-2910. Cruelty to animals (certain violations)
13-2910.04. Presence at cockfight
13-2910.07. Cruel and inhumane confinement of a pig or calf (effective 12/31/12)
13-2911. Interference with or disruption of an educational institution
13-2916. Use of telephone to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend
13-2918. Interference with emergency transmission on citizens’ band radio
13-2921. Harassment (certain violations)
13-2922. Interference with transmissions on public safety land mobile radio
frequencies (nonemergency communication)
13-2924. Unlawful solicitation of tort victims
13-3002. Sending or delivering a false or forged message
13-3011. Disclosing confidential information relating to ex parte order
13-3016. Violating an order directing a communication service provider or remote
computing service not to notify any other person of the existence of a
subpoena, court order or warrant for such period as the court deems
13-3102. Misconduct involving weapons (certain violations)
13-3103. Misconduct involving explosives
13-3119. Misconduct involving weapons in a secured area of an airport
13-3208. Keeping or residing in house of prostitution
13-3214. Prostitution
13-3304. Benefiting from gambling
13-3305. Betting and wagering violations
13-3306. Possession of a gambling device (except bingo)
13-3307. Possession of gambling records
13-3312. Crane games violations
13-3403. Possession and sale of a vapor-releasing substance containing a toxic
substance (class 5 felony, but court, having regard to the nature and
circumstances of the offense, may enter judgment of conviction for a class
1 misdemeanor)
13-3403.01. Selling, giving or delivering nitrous oxide containers to person under
eighteen year of age (class 5 felony unless the court enters a judgment of
conviction for a class 1 misdemeanor and makes disposition accordingly)
13-3403.02. Illegally obtaining nitrous oxide containers by underage person or
misrepresenting age of person under eighteen years of age to receive
nitrous oxide
13-3404.01. Second violation of retailer selling precursor chemicals (less than a total of
fifty grams of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, (-)-norpseudoephedrine or
13-3406. Possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale or manufacture of
prescription-only drugs (certain violations)
13-3407. Use of certain dangerous drugs (class 4 felony, but court on motion of
state and considering circumstances, may enter judgment of conviction for
class 1 misdemeanor)
13-3459. Manufacture of counterfeit controlled substances and drugs
13-3555. Portraying adult as minor in any exploitive exhibition or sexual conduct
13-3610. Abandonment of spouse
13-3611. Refusal or neglect to provide for spouse
13-3613. Contributing to delinquency or dependency of a child
13-3619. Permitting life, health or morals of minor to be imperiled by neglect, abuse
or immoral associations
13-3620. Failure to report abuse, physical injuries, neglect and denial or deprivation
of necessary medical or surgical care or nourishment of minors
13-3620.01 False report of child abuse or neglect
13-3701. Unlawful use of food stamps by fraud (valued at $100 or less)
13-3702.01 Collecting certain specimens from certain archaeological and vertebrate
paleontological discoveries
Class 1 Misdemeanors
13-3705. Unlawful copying or sale of sounds or images from recording devices
(less than 10 articles containing sound recordings or 10 articles containing
audiovisual recordings)
13-3710. Unlawfully obtaining subscription television services or manufacturing,
distributing or selling of interception and decoding devices
13-3713. Fraudulent acquisition of medical or health coverage (valued at $100 or
13-3717. Unlawful subleasing of motor vehicle
13-3720. Dropping objects from overpass
13-3723. Unlawful operation of a recording device with intent to record a motion
13-3726. Unauthorized use of the name, portrait or picture of a deceased soldier
13-3727. Unlawful residency by person convicted of dangerous crimes against
13-4145. Disobedience of command of writ
13-4147. Avoidance of command of writ
15-1774. Prohibited conduct of athlete agent violations
16-943. Citizens Clean Elections Act violations
16-1012. Intimidation of elector by employer
16-1013. Coercion or intimidation of elector
16-1020. Fraudulently signing petitions
17-309. Taking big game during a closed season
17-319. Fraudulent big game salvage permit violation
17-320. Killing, wounding or possessing a jaguar
17-339. Failure to comply (reports and returns by license dealers)
17-340. Taking wildlife on a suspended, revoked or denied license
Class 1 Misdemeanors
19-113. Paying or receiving remuneration for withdrawal of petition signature
19-114.01. Signing an initiative or referendum petition for profit
19-115. Forging signatures on a referendum or initiative petition and any other
violation relating to circulating initiative and referendum petitions (unless
otherwise classified)
19-116. Coercion, intimidation or misrepresentation with respect to initiative and
referendum petitions
19-129. Destroying, suppressing or filing false initiative or referendum petition
19-205.03. Signing a recall petition for profit
19-206. Coercion or intimidation to sign or fraudulently signing recall petitions
20-481.26. Insurance holding company systems regulation violations
23-201. Obtaining labor by false pretenses
23-575. Unlawful practice as a professional employer organization
23-1392. Interference with the agricultural employment relations board
25-511.01. Failure to comply with spousal maintenance order
25-513. Unlawfully obtaining information regarding family support obligee
26-317. Failure or refusal to obey emergency management order
28-369. Failure to stop for peace officer at port of entry
28-457 Unlawfully obtaining or disclosing personal information or highly
restricted personal information
28-649. Interference with an official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal
or possession of a traffic preemption emitter
28-693. Reckless driving (2nd violation within 24 months)
28-695. Aggressive driving
28-708. Racing on highways
28-912. Improper transportation of two or more equine to slaughter (subsequent
28-1151. Envelope permit violations
28-1381. Driving or actual physical control while under the influence of
intoxicating liquor or drugs
28-1382. Driving or actual physical control while under the extreme influence of
intoxicating liquor
28-1388. Failure to submit a portion of sample for law enforcement purposes
(driving under the influence)
28-1464. Tampering with and illegal use of ignition interlock device
28-2091. Failure to disclose nonfunctioning air bag to buyer
28-3473. Driving on a suspended license
28-3476. Falsification of a license
28-3477. False certification on application for renewal of a driver license
28-4036. Failure to meet financial responsibility requirements of vehicle involved in
an accident
28-4334. Operating vehicle dealers without a proper license
28-4404. Failure to display vehicle dealership records to authorized agent
28-4502. Used motor vehicle dealer licensing violations
28-4592. Assigning dealer license to another person
28-4664. Failure to maintain dealer records
28-4836. Failure to notify the law enforcement agency of the location of a towed
28-4846. Refusal to permit stolen vehicle inspection by peace officers
28-5002. Operating a title service company without a license
28-5009. Assigning title service license to another person
28-5240. Commercial motor carrier, manufacturer or shipper violations (second
28-5242. Operating motor vehicle subject to an out-of-service order
28-5619. Fuel records maintenance violations
28-5625. Distributing motor vehicle fuel without a proper license
28-5635. Failure to notify director of ceasing to engage in business of motor vehicle
fuel sales
28-5645. Using dyed diesel fuel on highways
28-5921. Motor vehicle fuel tax violations (unless otherwise classified)
28-5938. Disclosure of confidential information regarding motor vehicle fuel tax,
vehicle license tax or motor carrier tax
28-7251. Unlawful construction of a bridge or dam
28-8279. Trick or acrobatic flying or dropping objects over densely inhabited area
28-8280. Careless or reckless aircraft operation
28-8281. Intentional killing of birds or animals while flying
28-8282. Operating or in actual physical control of an aircraft while under the
influence (see section 28-8284)
28-8287. Operating or in actual physical control of an aircraft while under the
influence (second violation within sixty months)
31-242. Unauthorized internet access by inmate
32-355. Barber shop or salon violations
32-574. Cosmetology or cosmetology salon violations
32-1056. Collection agency violations
32-1164. Operating as a contractor without a license and other certain contracting
32-1165. Advertising contractor services without a license
32-1288. Practicing dental hygiene without a license
32-1391.18. Prearranged funeral agreement violations
32-1696. Unlawful acts relating to opticians (certain violations)
32-2042. Using title of physical therapist or physical therapy assistant without a
32-2048. Practicing physical therapy without a license
32-2238. Unlawful practice of veterinary medicine
32-2411. Acting as a private investigator without being registered
32-2458. Private investigator violations
32-2608. Acting as a security guard without being registered
32-2637. Security guard violations
32-3445. Occupational therapist violations
32-3558. Respiratory care violations
32-3638. Using title of real estate appraiser without a license
32-3954. Acupuncture violations
32-4152. Using title of athletic trainer without a license
32-4157. Acting as an athletic trainer without a license
32-4252. Using title of massage therapist without a license
32-4255. Practicing massage therapy without a license
33-420. Causing a false claim to be recorded in the office of the county recorder
33-423. Failure of third party provider to carry errors and omissions insurance of at
least $10,000,000
33-424. Third party provider representation violations
35-197. Failure to comply with budgetary and fiscal provisions for state agencies
36-344. Supplying false information to the office of vital statistics
36-515. Making false statements of a material fact with the intent to cause another
to be confined in a mental health facility
36-886. Continuing to operate a child care facility 10 days after receiving notice of
lack of license
36-897.09. Continuing to operate a child care group home 10 days after receiving
notice of lack of license
36-943. Falsely representing food as kosher
36-1674. Misuse or unlawful sale of lead-based paint
36-2152. Unlawful abortion
36-2216. Unlawful operation of an ambulance
36-2271. Performing surgical procedures on minor without parental consent
36-2610. Failure to report required pharmacy information to the Arizona State
Board of Pharmacy
36-3522. Knowing sale of unsafe crib by commercial user
38-510. Conflict of interest violations by public officer or employee
38-544. Failing to file or knowingly filing a false financial disclosure statement by
public or local public officer or a candidate
40-426. Public service corporation violations
40-427. Violations by corporations (other than public service corporations)
40-430. Limitations on requiring bond of employees by common carrier
40-432. Misuse of information contained in message by agent or employee of
telegraph or telephone company
41-740. Nonfeasance by officer or supervisor (department of administration)
41-772. Protection of civil or political liberties (certain violations)
41-865. Disturbing human remains or funerary objects (certain violations)
41-886. Arizona neighborhood preservation and investment commission (conflict
of interest by members)
41-1237. Lobbyist regulation and registration violations
41-1279.07. Failure to file uniform expenditure report by chief fiscal officer (political
41-1279.22. Public officers obstructing or misleading the auditor general
41-1383. Hindering the lawful actions of the ombudsman-citizens aide
41-1481. Making public information regarding the informal endeavors of an
employment discrimination investigation
41-1482. Making public information regarding an employment discrimination
41-1554.01. Greater Arizona development authority (conflict of interest by board
41-1630. Correctional industries violations
41-1754. Impersonation of highway patrol or department of public safety officer
41-1842. Emergency medical services violations
41-2113. Certain department of weights and measures violations
41-2195. Department of fire, building and life safety violations or seeking
fraudulent reimbursement from the mobile home relocation fund
42-1127. Failure to pay taxes on cigarettes or alcohol (certain violations)
42-2004. Disclosure of confidential taxpayer information
42-19107. Unlawful sale, transfer or removal of personal property with outstanding
property taxes owed
42-19155. Unlawful sale or removal of mobile home with outstanding property taxes
43-381. Disclosure of confidential taxpayer information (return prepared by person
other than taxpayer)
43-382. Unlawful solicitation of tax return preparation
43-1154. Exercising powers of corporation after suspension of such powers
44-315. Unlawful disclosure of confidential information relating to unclaimed
44-1223. Fraudulent practices relating to motor vehicle odometers
44-1231.05. Fraudulent practices in the sale of Indian arts and crafts (property offered
for sale at $20,000 or more)
44-1376.05. Unlawful procurement or solicitation of telephone record
44-1453. Sale or possession of an item with a counterfeit mark
44-1602. Dealers of precious items violations
44-1631. Certain pawnbroker violations
44-1643. Scrap metal dealer records violations
44-1644. Failure of scrap metal dealer to report to law enforcement agencies
44-1696. Consumer reporting agency and fair credit reporting violations
44-1710. Certain credit services violations
44-1799.04. Pet dealer animal care requirement violations
44-2040. Sales of securities violations
44-3151. Unlawfully transacting business as an investment adviser or investment
adviser representative without a license
44-6552. Failure of charitable organization to comply with registration requirements
on notice from secretary of state
44-6561. Unlawful solicitation of funds for charitable purposes
44-7111. Unlawful possession, transportation or sale of cigarettes
45-139. Unlawfully filling or refilling a body of water (100 acre-feet or more but
less than 1,000 acre-feet)
45-636. Unlawfully withdrawing or using more than 100 acre-feet but less than
1,000 acre-feet of groundwater
46-291. Obtaining information for a purpose other than locating deserting parents
and their assets
46-454. Failure to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of incapacitated or
vulnerable adults
47-9527. Filing a false claim or record relating to secured transactions with the
secretary of state
49-263.01. Certain Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program violations
49-263.02. Certain sewage sludge program violations
49-464. State hazardous air pollutants permit violations (criminal negligence)
49-502. County air pollution control violations
49-514. County hazardous air pollutants permit violations (criminal negligence)
49-1202. Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona (conflict of interest by
board members or committee members)
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