I’m Andrew Long, criminal defense attorney and founder of a Rising Phoenix Law Group. Today I want to talk about the different classes or levels of misdemeanors in Arizona. In Arizona, there are three classes of misdemeanors, as you may assume. Class one misdemeanors are actually the most severe or serious offenses is the misdemeanor.Class two and class three are less severe than the Class one misdemeanor. A class one misdemeanor, the maximum sentence you can receive is six months in jail, you could receive a $2,500 fine. That can include, some pretty hefty surcharges and fees added by the court, etcetera. In fact, I was just in court yesterday after getting a very good plea for a client where the fine that was laid out in the plea agreement actually almost doubled.
Whenever you are looking at these numbers of 2,500 and we’re going to get to a 750 and 500, do not see those as the maximum that you can receive. Those are the maximum base that you can receive when a class with misdemeanor. You can also receive up to three years of probation.
However, that does come with an exception. DUIs can include much more than three years of prob. Examples of Class one misdemeanors can be, things such as a DUI assault, which results in injury, disorderly conduct, minor in possession of alcohol, and several other offenses that you may be pretty familiar with.
Yeah, class two misdemeanors are slightly less severe than class one misdemeanors you could be facing up to four months in. Up to a $750, again base fine and up to two years of probation class two misdemeanor examples are things such as minor in consumption, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident or criminal damage.
Less than $250, the least severe of misdemeanor classes in Arizona are class three misdemeanors. Class three misdemeanors. You could be looking at a maximum of one month in. Maximum base fine of $500 in one year of probation. Some examples of Class three misdemeanors are things such as excessive speeding, assaultive touching or criminal trespass.
But in the third degree, the consequences that I just went. Do not include all the consequences that you could receive as a result of any classes of these misdemeanors, class one, class two, or class three, for example. Any misdemeanor, that involves violence or domestic violence can have major consequences to your rights to, for example, own a firearm.
There are several different nuances to each of these classes and their. That’s why you need to have a experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in your corner for any level of criminal offense, including the different classes of misdemeanors in Arizona. Please reach out and I am happy to answer any questions regarding your criminal case.
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